We finally received a reprieve from the cold weather and were able to enjoy what can best be described as balmy weather in March for Belgium. As a group we got together for a friendly event in team format under sunny skies and temperatures of 17 degrees Celsius. We truly could not have asked for a better day to play golf amongst friends.
We returned to Winge Golf and Country club for this year’s event. Winge is one of the staple courses that we play, and the course was in tremendous condition. The team at Winge always makes us feel welcome and we look forward to playing it again during the 2025-2026 season.

The overall winners of the team event were Richard and Joe. They proved to be the team to beat and won in convincing fashion. This was Richard’s first outing with the group. Welcome to the NATO golf club, we look forward to seeing you at future events.

Second place went to Darryl and Shannon. This also was Shannon’s first time playing with the NATO Golf Club. As with Richard we look forward to having you join us as the season progresses. The NATO Golf Club is growing, please continue to help in getting the word out as new personnel start to arrive in Brussels this summer.

Long hitter of the day was Joe who smashed a drive on hole #6 that proved to be impossible to match.

Long drive for females went to Simone who has consistently proven to be one of the long hitters amongst our female golfers. At this point we have lost track of how many long drives Simone has secured…

Closest to the pin went to Darryl who hit a tremendous shot on hole #18.
The NATO Gold Club annual general meeting and dinner is coming up soon (be on the lookout for a potential date change on the website). Our next event is the President’s Cup at Louvain-la-Neuve on Sunday 13 April, we hope to see you there!
Thanks for all the support for our club and best of luck for the rest of the 2024-2025 season.
Updated season points are listed below:
