It was hard to believe after some great weather earlier in the month that 22 June would find some stalwart NATO Golf Club members taking on the hilly and challenging L'Empereur course in cool, windy and at times rainy weather. But, we all had a great day on this lovely course, generously hosted by the Lithuanian Delegation hosts, Kestutis Jankauskas and Gediminas Levickis. Although the group was smaller than anticipated and the weather a bit inclement for a Summer Cup, there were some very competitive scores. The winners were all treated to special Lithuanian specialty teas, cakes, and spirits!! Check out the photos at this link.
.... and the winners:
I Cat (0-18) , Men
1st place Nigel Coxon, 35 points; 2nd Ron Dobson 34 points; 3rd Daniel Darius 34 points on CB
II Cat (18-36) Men
1st place Thorsten Wulff 35 points; 2nd place Dick Wittingham 32 points; and 3rd place E.J. Herold 29 point
For this competition there was a special Ladies competition... and it was well appreciated!
1st place Susanne Holl 27 points and 2nd place Janis Dobson 23 points.
Sadly, none of the ladies made the green, but for the men, the Nearest the Pin winner was Daniel Darius